The Missionary to the PreBorn - Personhood FL Tour had a tremendous day today. The day started in a Hispanic neighborhood on a street in front of an abortion mill and the Hialeah Senior High School where 3,000 students drove past large signs of born, preborn, and aborted babies. The missionaries were able to distribute 2,000 pieces of literature to students, pedestrians, and stopped cars. Some even signed the Personhood FL constitutional petition right on the street! The missionaries also went into the abortion mill, passed out prolife literature, and urged the women to choose life for their children! The missionaries literally passed out every piece of literature they had prepared!
The next stop was in an African American community located near the North Miami Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic, a prolife pregnancy center that I was able to tour in October with Dr Johnny Hunter and Dr O'Niel Dozier. A representative from the center came out and thanked the missionaries for coming out to stand for life in a neighborhood where Planned Parenthood targets black babies for abortion. The missionaries had reloaded their supply of material and were able to pass out more literature.
The next stop was supposed to be at the 163rd St Mall, but we changed the intersection yesterday. As with the other stops, God's providence prevailed. It so happened that traffic leading to the 163rd St mall was blocked off for blocks in all directions due to a strange bag left at a bank. The missionaries meanwhile were busy holding signs, passing out literature, and meeting friends and foe at another busy intersection in an upscale area of North Miami.
Tomorrow, the Personhood Tour will be in Ft Lauderdale, West Palm, and Port St Lucie. Wednesday, the tour will be in Orlando and Daytona Beach before ending in Jacksonville Thursday. If you live near any of these cities, consider joining us. (Click here for times and inter sec tions in each city.) If not, please join Personhood FL in your city to stop abortion. Let’s make history by ending abortion in Florida!
A few post abortive women have contacted me with concerns over the signs. Please know that the signs do include pictures of born and preborn children as well as aborted babies. We don't mean to condemn anyone. We want post abortive women to know that full confession leads to full forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you, and we love you. The signs are not meant to condemn anyone for past actions. Rather our message is simply: If abortion is so horrible that we can’t stand to look at pictures of the mutilated babies, should we really tolerate it? I say no! It’s time to end abortion and protect women and children from the horrors of abortion.
These are just some of my thoughts on the signs. For a more in depth analysis on this see my blog, or watch my sermon both titled Why We Show Pictures of PreBorn and Aborted Babies.